Thursday, October 1, 2020

Offers, gratitude, apologies and requests

1 comment:

  1. 1. What can I get you to drink? - 2.How about a drink? - 3. Would you care for some wine? - 4. No, I'm alright. Thanks - 5. No, I've just had some. Thank you - 6. Do you fancy some coffee? - 7. Yes, I'd love some - 8. Would you like some milk? - 9. Yes, just a drop please - 10. May I have some sugar please? - 11. Could you pass me a spoon please? - 12. Here you are - 13. Here's your coffee - 14. Help yourself to the biscuits - 15. These are delicious - 16. Thanks a lot for that - 17. I really appreciate that - 18. You're welcome - 19. Don't mention it - 20. I'm sorry about that - 21. Please accept my apologies - 22. Don't worry - 23. That's quite alright - 24. No need to apologise - 25. Do you mind if I keep my coat on? - 26. Would you mind if I made a quick call? - 27. Not at all. Please do - 28. Would you mind driving me to the station? - 29. Of course not. I'd be happy to - 30. May I use your phone? - 31. Could I have a look at that? - 32. Certainly. Go ahead - 33. Could you do me a favour please? - 34. Could you call a taxi for me please? - 35. Sure. I'll do that right away
