Thursday, September 17, 2020

Introductions and greetings

1 comment:

  1. 1. Hello. How are you? - 2. Hi. How are you doing? - 3.Good morning. How's everything? - 4. I haven't seen you for ages - 5.It's been a while since I saw you - 6.We've missed you - 7. How have you been? - 8. Great, thanks - 9. I'm very well, thank you - 10. It's all going really well - 11. How about you? - 12. It's lovely to see you again - 13. I've been looking forward to seeing you - 14. How's everyone at home? - 15. Susan sends her regards - 16. Give your mum my love - 17. You haven't met my neighbour, have you? - 18. I don't think you know each other - 19. Let me introduce you - 20. I'd like you to meet my cousin - 21. This is John, a colleague of mine - 22. How do you do - 23. Pleased to meet you - 24. It's getting late - 25.I must get going - 26. We must be on our way - 27. I'm afraid I have to leave now - 28. It was very nice meeting you - 29.It was lovely to see you again - 30. The pleasure is all mine - 31. Do keep in touch - 32. Let me know how you're getting on - 33. See you again soon - 34. Catch you later - 35. Take care
