

Best songs ever A-C



  1. "Chasing cars" has one of the most beautiful lyrics that I've ever read,it's a wonderful song. I'd like to listen to "Dancing in the moonlight" by Toploader,it has a lot of rhythm Jajajaja

  2. Good song. I never thought you would like this kind of good music.I think I've listened to three o four versions of "Dancing in the Moonlight". As it usually happens, the first one is the best. Thank you !!!

  3. Gustavo:
    I like the songs that "we" put in this blog.Thanks for make our "music wishes" true , ahahahah .
    By the way , i would like hear "My Hands" by Leona Lewis here.It's a little bit different to all this songs but it's a wonderful song , really

    1. Hi, Judith
      You can already listen to your song. I hope I have made your dreams come true just for a day.

      - Thanks for making...
      - I would like to listen to "My Hands"
      - "this" singular / "these" plural = these songs

      Yes, I agree with you. It's a wonderful song.
      See you !

  4. Hi Gustavo,today I've found one song that I've been looking for it since I was a child,I don't like the band but I confess this song is really good. It's " I wanna know what love is" by Foreigner. I think it's the kind of music that you like but I'm not sure.
    See you :)

    1. Hi, Daniel. This is one of those songs that one never forgets. It's a beautiful song. I think I've sung it lots of times. Thank you !

  5. Hi Gustavo:
    If you've got time ,could you add " Piano man" by Billy Joel? . I found it when I was waching "catle" , the television series Jajaja.It's really prety.
    See you :)

    1. Hello, Daniel. Your wish has come true. I'm very happy because everybody keeps on choosing very good songs. I know it was just a momentary lapse but you mispelt "watching", "pretty" and "castle". I think you mean "castle". Thanks a lot !

  6. Hi Gustavo , today I wanna ask you for one song , this time it's "when a man loves a woman" by Percy Sledge. From my view point it's one of the best songs of the 1960s ,unfortunately nobody makes songs like before, I don't know how to explain it Jajajaja
    See you!

    1. I know what you mean. Do not worry. Remember (we have studied it this year), abstract things (such as joy, sadness, love, hate and so on) have no physical existence. That's the reason why sometimes people can hardly express themselves clearly.
      Another good song ! Thanks !

  7. Hi Gustavo . It's my last song for a while , so I think it should be special Jajajaja That's the reason I've chosen "More than words" by Extreme , I love the lyrics of this song and the way he plays the guitar , it's wonderful.
    See you

    1. Hi, Daniel.
      It's so difficult to find so many good songs all together. This song reached number 1 in lots of countries.... about 20 years ago.
      Extreme is a good American band with lots of good songs, but many people only know "More than words", despite the fact that they're a rock band.
      Thanks for this song !

  8. Hi Gustavo.
    Today I'm going to ask you for another classic of the music , I'm talking about "In the summertime" by Mungo Jerry , if I'm not wrong this song became the Number 1 in charts around the world forty years ago, but I still think that it's so beautiful like before. Is a little bit curious the way he has his whiskers Jajajaajja .
    See you

    1. Hi, Daniel
      The more you ask, the more amazed I am. I wonder how you can know so many songs. All this music carries me back to the 70s and 80s.
      I can't begin to thank you, so just thank you so much.

  9. Hi dear teacher !!
    How are u today ? I hope you'll be fine :)
    I want to ask you an small thing .
    Can you add "Little Things" By One Direction ?
    I know that this song isn't old like the others , but if you read the lyrics of the song ,You'll understand the reason that I would like the song were here.
    Thaaaanks :D

    1. Hi, Judith
      I’m fine thank you. I hope you’re fine too.
      It doesn’t matter how old a song is. The most important thing is how good it is. It is true that I usually listen to music from the 80s, but it doesn’t mean that I don´t like other kinds of music.
      Yes, I understand the reason why you would like this song to be here.
      “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart”. This is a quotation by Helen Keller, an American writer. Despite her deafblindness, she could see beauty where the others couldn’t.
      Isn’t it beautiful?

  10. Hi Gustavo
    I love the lyrics of the last song that you have added , and from my point of view the sentence that you wrote has only one meaning " The meaning of love" jajaja . the song that I want to ask for is related to love . It's " Isn't she lovely " by Estevie Wonder . We should make a disc with all these songs Jajaja
    See you

    1. Daniel
      I think that Helen Keller talked about love in a broad sense. Her thoughts and her feeling were always very deep when she analysed life, not only love in itself, but also politics and society in general. Anyway, in her quotation she talks about beauty, and love is beauty.
      When we read something, sometimes we don’t know exactly what the author means. It can be understood in many different ways. That’s the best thing when we read a poem, an essay or when we listen to a song. Everybody experiences it in a different way .
      Now, a new song… this time by Stevie Wonder. Yes, we could put all this songs together and it would be a great hit, sure !
      There’s something wrong in 0.17 seconds. It’s written ”isn’t she wonderfull”. As you know the suffix is –ful and not “full”
      Noun + suffix –ful = adjective
      Wonder + ful = wonderful
      Beauty + ful = beautiful
      Use + ful = useful

    2. ERRATA: I wrote "her thoughts and her feeling" instead of "feelings", with -s

  11. Hi,Gustavo!
    Can you add "THE(The Hardest Ever)" by Will.I.Am ?

    1. Hi, Sergio. Your wish has come true. I hope you enjoy this song.
      Thank you so much.

  12. Hi Gustavo
    Today I bring you one of the greatest song that humanity has ever made , it is " Take on me" by Aha . And if you've got time I'd like to ask you for another song , the second one is "Our House" by Madness . I think this comment has too much perfection to be sent jajajaja
    See you !

    1. Thanks, Daniel
      I agree with you. "Take on me" is a very good song. Three or four years ago Amy B Sweet (a Spanish singer from Málaga, I love her music) released a new version. Well, the original song by A-ha was included in "Hunting high and low". The song "Hunting high and low" is really beautiful. I advise you to watch the original videos: Take on me and Hunting high and low. They're fantastic.
      "Our House" is a wonderful song by Madness. I remember other good songs such as "One step beyond" or "Nightboat to Cairo".
      Their music is divine madness !

  13. Hi gustavo
    Like usual I bring you a classic of music, but this time is special because this song makes me feel free and happy , that's why I've chosen it .It's "Wonderful life" by Black . See you and thank you so much for letting me ask you too much songs

    1. Hi, Daniel
      As usual, I'm delighted to be able to offer you all these good songs. I hope you can't get enough. This British band (nowadays just a singer-songwriter) achieved success with this wonderful song in 1987, but it was not the original audio, which was released in 1985, a little bit different.
      Thanks !

  14. Hi teacher !
    I saw that you put here a justin bieber song .. Do you like fall ? Hahahaahha, it's an amazing song.
    Well,i want that if you can , put a song called "You make me smile" by uncle kraker . I love this song , reminds me all the good times that i had in my life .
    Really thanks and have a good carnival!
    P.S: have you seen the e-mail? I send you one !
    Bye :)

    1. Hi, Judith
      Let's not confuse things, please jajaja Remember, I haven't chosen any of the songs you can listen to here, although I love most of them.
      You wanted me to include "you make me smile" because it reminds you of all the good times you've had in your life. I hope you enjoy it.
      I'll have a look at the e-mail you sent.
      Enjoy your carnival too!

  15. Can you add "Waterloo" by ABBA?
    And Happy Carnnival!

    1. Thank you so much, Sergio.
      I love ABBA and Agnetha Fältskog's voice. I don't know if you knew it but with this song ABBA won the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then. In Spanish you could say "ya ha llovido bastante desde entonces".
      Thanks and Happy Carnival too !

    2. Hi Gistavo!
      I also love ABBA,and a curiosity:The Musical Mamma Mia! have got the ABBA's songs,the musical is a big success.

    3. Yes, you're right, Sergio.

      "Mamma Mia!" is a stage musical based on ABBA's best songs. As you know, there's also a film called "Mamma Mia! The Movie" starring Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan.

      As a matter of interest, in the late 1990s there was a Swedish band called ABBA Teens. They recorded ABBA covers with an electronic flair. They became very famous but soon the band's name was changed to A-Teens to avoid confusion.

      Thanks for your comments !

  16. Hi Gustavo
    Today is a special day, that's why I want you to add "Close to you" by The Carpenters . If I'm not wrong it was made in 1970 like others beautiful and wonderful songs . In 1991 R.E.M made a song called "Losing My Religion" , I love this song ,so If you could add both songs, I'd be very grateful jajaja
    See you and thanks a lot

    1. Yes, " Close to you" was released in 1970, like other beautiful songs. Thanks Wikipedia ! jajaa I'm not sure at all but I think I hadn't listened to that song before. I know this American duo by hearsay but not that song.
      R.E.M.... they are great !!! "Losing my Religion! What a nice song! I love them, especially "Everybody hurts". Somebody said that "Everybody hurts" is the number 1 on the list of songs that make real men cry. I totally agree !

  17. Hi gustavo
    I've realized that I always ask you for songs , but this time ( if you don't mind , of course ) , could you add your favourite song?
    I know it's hard to choose , because If I'm not wrong you told me that you have thousands and thousands of them in your PC , but I think that there's always a prefer jajajaja
    See you and Thank you so much

    1. Hi, Daniel
      Which song do I prefer? It's not so easy because I've got a lot of favourite songs and many times it depends on how I feel that day. For instance, when I'm in high spirits and when I'm in low spirits, I listen to different songs.
      You know that I only include songs that everybody here chooses but, as you ask me to include one, I've chosen "Johnny B" by The Hooters.
      They are an American band from Pennsylvania. I hope you like them.
      See you!

  18. Hi dear favourite teacher :3 (hahahahaha)
    I'm writing to ask you a song .
    Is a song from my favourite band (One Direction) and it's a song and when i hear that song i remember an special date for me .
    The name of this special song is "They don't know about us" . It's an amazing song , maybe for me :3
    Thanks , see you tomorrow :D

    1. Hi, Judith
      A special song for a special date. Now you can listen to it as many times as you wish. There are two songs by your favourite band in this blog, so just enjoy it!
      Thank you so much!
      See you!

  19. Hi Gustavo
    Today I bring you one classic from one film , I'm talking about " Summer Nights" by Grease . I've never watched this film but people say that it's a very good movie, so I think I should download it jajajaja
    See you

    1. Hi, Daniel
      Oh, my God!!! You haven't watched Grease! Danny Zucco, Sandy and Rydell High School. But... where have you been all this time? jajaja
      The Original Soundtrack is wonderful. Some songs are coming to my mind: "You are the one that I want", "Tears on my pillow", "Sandy", "Grease Lightning", "Look at me I'm Sandra Dee", "Summer Nights" and... "Hopelessly devoted to you". I fall in love with Olivia Newton-John everytime I listen to this song! I can't help it!
      Thanks a lot!
      Grease is the word !

    2. Hi Gustavo
      I Know you're very busy , but if you've got time I want you to add
      " Stand by me" by Be E. King .This song has a lot of versions , but I think it's the best.
      See you
      P.S. I've already downloaded " Grease" jajajaja

    3. Oh, what a beautiful song ! Everybody loves this song. Good choice, Daniel. Thank you!

  20. Dear Mr Gustavo .
    We missed you this week in class , we were so good (Je je je je ) .
    we know that you missed us this week .^_^.
    well , i want to request a very beautiful song .
    The song is "You are so beautiful" of Joe cocker .
    I think that this is the best song ever . It's like "aaishaisahsi" i dont know if I explain, jajaja.
    Well , good Sunday ! C:

    1. Hi, Judith
      Thanks for your nice words. I also missed all my dear students !
      Yes, I agree with you. This song is a very beautiful song, and not only because of its name. There's a good combination: piano, lyrics and Joe Cocker's peculiar voice.
      Thank you !

  21. Hi Gustavo !!
    I've been studying all the week , and I'm tired , and a little bit sad . That's why today I'd like to ask you for some songs. The first song is "Footloose" by Kenny Logging , and the second one is " Girls just want to have fun" by Cyndi Lauper . They are two great and cheerful songs. They make me smile , that's what I like best .
    See you and thanks a lot for adding all that I've asked you !!
    P.S. Boys just want to have fun too jajajaja

    1. Hi, Daniel !
      I know everybody has been working hard, and you too, of course. If these two songs can make you a little bit happier, I'll be happy too. This is the magic and the power of good music.
      "Footloose" Oh, I remember that song. It's impossible to stop your feet when you listen to it. The rythm is fantastic.
      And then, Cyndi Lauper. How I loved that woman ! (I mean her songs).She's got a lot of very good songs, believe me ! This song has been covered by many singers. I love one by Russian Red. It's so good ! But, it sounds a little sad !
      "Girls just wanna have fun" is even the soundtrack from a movie called... "Girls just wanna have fun!. There's a cover by two or three singers, I think.
      Thanks a lot for your good songs !
      P.S. Yes, everybody wants to have fun, of course !

  22. Mister Gustavo !
    This is my last musical request .... how sadness :c
    Well , the song is "Give Me Love" by Ed Sheeran .
    This song is the best for me now . It's great to see how a song can seem both aspects of someone's life. It's like a musical portrait.
    Ed Sheeran makes me relax with this song , but makes me sad too .. It's a little bit strange how I feel when I hear this song .
    Dear teacher , Thanks for all !!
    Have a good weekend c:

    1. Hello, Judith !
      How sad ? You know you're always invited to visit this blog and listen to all the songs you like. Remember, I've always said that this blog makes no sense if people don't participate.
      You've made a good description of how a song can change our mood when we identity with it.
      Judith, thank you so much for all your songs. Don't forget you're always welcome here.
      Best regards !
      P.S. This is your latest request but not the last, I hope !

  23. Good afternoon teacher!
    I want to put a new song here, maybe you can listen to it and later put it here, this song is ¨Best song ever ¨ by One Direction, be carefull because they start talking in the original video , so you can search it with lirycs, thanks hahaha.

    1. Hello, my student !
      You can listen to your song, the best song ever !

      But be careful !
      -- The suffix is -ful (care - careful; beauty - beautiful)
      -- The adjective and the adverb are full (full of energy; in full)

      Thank you so much !!!

  24. Hi Gustavo !!!
    First of all I wish you a merry Christmas jajaja
    As it's an special day, I'd want you to add two happy and great songs. One of them is ''Forever young'' by Alphaville, and the other one is “Karma Chameleon” by Culture Club.
    Thanks a lot for making my wishes come true, these two songs are my gifts for Christmas jajaja
    See you soon !!!

    1. Hello, Daniel !!!
      Of course, I wish you and all your family a Merry Christmas too (and everybody who's reading this)
      You're right. It's a special day and your wish has come true !!!.
      When you listen to "Forever Young", you can read "haven" instead of "heaven" and "lets" instead of "let's".
      As usual, your songs are great ! I love "Forever Young"
      Thank you so much !!!

  25. Hola Don gustavo soy Aduen Davila a mi gusta mucho la cancion de Bruno mars:Talking to the moon

    1. Hello, Aduén
      Thank you so much for your song.I must admit it's a good one. I hope you enjoy it.
      See you !

  26. Hi teacher ! it's Marta here !
    Now that the new academic year is started we could add more songs to our faboulous list ! I want you to add -This song saved my life- By Simple Plan , that's a good one, I think. If you like you also could add a 5SOS' cover called -American Idiot- ( the original song is American Idiot by Green Day) , let´s add some rock to our blog !

    1. Hello, Marta

      Thank you so much for your songs ! I muss confess "This song saved my life" is a great song. Yes, I love it

      This academic year has just started. There're many things to learn and many songs to enjoy !

      Thanks !!

  27. Hello teacher! It's Marta here again with a new song to add !
    I've been listening to this song for so long and I just realised today that it has things we're learning now! (some---, no---, phrasal verbs, etc) maybe you can post it here ! This song is ¨ The weight¨ By Shawn Mendes.
    I don't really know if I'm the only one who enters in this part of the blog doesn't matter ! Thank you

    1. Hello, Marta

      Thank you so much for your song !!!! Yes, you're right. There're things we've been studying lately.

      I feel very happy because people like you visit this blog.

      Thank you, Marta !
